Thursday, May 10, 2007

In the Beginning

When I was a little girl...not more than 5, my aunt, the inestimable Irene Wong, taught me how to crochet. I'm sure she was only trying to keep me out of her hair, and I was dreadful at it. But I was hooked. And time and time again, in the following twenty+ years that have followed, I have attempted to crochet (with some success) and knit (with very little success, and that's putting it kindly).

Through the years, I've tried to dismiss my little on and off obssession, but it has become clear to me that, instead of trying to avoid the unavoidable, I should just embrace it. My mum, my aunt, my mother-in-law, Kathleen Horsley nee Blanshard and her deceased mother, Beryl Blanshard are (were) all avid (though not always productive) stitchers. My darling husband's godmother, Ollwyn Lowbridge too. She took me to my first 'Bitch&Stitch' session. I will never forget it.

There must be a reason why I have crossed paths with so many stitch-inclined women. The doubters among you will say, "All women like to poke needles in things..." True, I admit, but nonetheless, I'd like to think of it as divine prodding to start KL's first (as far as I know) Bitch&Stitch club.

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